Post by faluneltan on Apr 20, 2016 10:52:42 GMT
The Endless Possibilities Of Embryonic Stem Cells
As the name suggests, embryonic stem cells are pluripotent (undifferentiated) stem cells that have the ability to replicate indefinitely. Most of these embryonic stem cells are derived from leftover, fertilized eggs from previous inseminations, donated specifically for research purposes. Thereafter, the embryonic stem cells are cultivated for months until they become a so called embryonic stem cell line.
This research is frowned upon and also highly controversial. However, embryonic stem cells have so much potential in medicine. Since these embryonic stem cells are pluripotent they might possibly be able to cure hundreds of different diseases which scientists previously believed there was no cure for. This kind of treatment might be a good alternative instead of the traditional chemical drugs which have their limits. The reasons mentioned above are only a fraction of the endless possibilities the research from embryonic stem cells might have.
First off, one of the most widespread diseases that scientists are diligently trying to find a cure for is cancer. Embryonic stem cells are very similar to cancerous cells thereby the research and analysis of embryonic stem cells are quite likely to help scientists possibly find a cure or at the very least help the scientists get a better understanding.
Secondly, by researching and analyzing embryonic stem cells scientists could possibly learn more about how the cell differentiation works. This could help more than most people would think. By learning how this process works we could potentially prevent errors that occur during the cell differentiation, and thereby also prevent miscarriages and birth defects.
Some of you might have heard that there is a risk of tumor growth while using embryonic stem cell therapy, which is true at the moment. However, there is ongoing research to eventually lower this risk of tumor growth by blocking specific signaling pathways crucial for the formation of teratomas (tumors caused by stem cell therapy). In the future, when scientists are successful with blocking the signaling pathways the risk of tumor growth is going to be negligible.
Last but not least, embryonic stem cell therapy might be revolutionary in medicine by replacing the traditional chemical drugs. By using embryonic stem cells we might be able to cure previously thought incurable diseases and conditions such as Parkinson’s, blindness, deafness, spinal cord injuries and many more, possibly helping hundreds of thousands of people to say the least.
In conclusion, by researching and analyzing embryonic stem cell we could learn more about how cancerous cells function as well as how the cell differentiation works. Embryonic cell therapy might also cure previously thought incurable diseases and conditions, possibly helping hundreds of thousands of people. Reducing the risk of this method is already being researched with promising results. Using embryonic stem cells is the new treatment method that could revolutionize medicine and make a huge difference for those who need it. The possibilities of what we could accomplish and cure with the help of embryonic stem cells are endless, and it starts right now with the people supporting the research.